“I am here to help you improve your life and guide you through it’s challenges from where you are today and into the future. I am here to help you clearly see, set, and actualize your goals to fulfill your dreams!” Suzahn Fiering
Suzahn Fiering is a veteran, international touring artist and an award-winning educator (presented by Paul McCartney). Suzahn has a Master Level Business Coach (internationally certified by the ICF) who has presented on behalf of the Grammy Committee, The Nashville Board of Education, The Jazz Education Network, and dozens of festivals, universities and community organizations. Suzahn has led master classes and workshops across the US and Europe to schools, colleges, universities, teacher organizations, corporate groups, women’s groups, community groups, churches and house concerts. Areas of study include Guitar, Voice, Songwriting (dozens of original songs in films & TV) Music Theory, and Music Business (private consultations available). Suzahn specializes in Jazz, Blues, Americana and Gypsy (Manouche) guitar, is an internationally recognized Jazz Historian, and author of Jazz Guitar-The Layering Method. Suzahn teaches privately on-line.
Suzahn gives individual private career coaching in and out of the music industry.
For non-music related life and business coaching click here: http://suzahn.com/life-career-consultanting-mentoring or call +1.914.383.5379
Scroll down for testimonials:
Links to Suzahn’s articles from Festivalnet.com:https://festivalnet.com/blog/Festival-Booking-The-1-Rule-Reality-Check-101-5197#more
Here is an example of what a consultation might include, and what we can work on manifesting together.
How to be An Independent Touring Artist
- What are your arsenal of supplies
- How to negotiate and talk to promoters
- How tour routing works
- What to do with social media
- What is PR, marketing and promotion and how to use them to your advantage.
- This class can range from an overview in a 60 – 90 minute format, 3 hours, or a semester long class.
An article from Festivalnet.com
Festival Booking: The 1% Rule (Reality Check 101)
Reviews and Testimonials:
“What a total difference Suzahn has made in my life and career! I learned so much about marketing and presenting myself in a positive light but most importantly, I learned about myself” Jonathan aged 60
“Wow, insight, support, kindness and truth. These are things I could only have hoped for that Suzahn provided. Call her, she’s great!” Christina, aged 55
“I was a tough nut to crack but Suzahn softened me and showed me how to look internally to find out what I really wanted. Thanks Suzahn.” Thomas aka Miss Ellie aged 29
“Education, life lessons, and great career advice. Call her!” Ben aged 50
“Suzahn helped balance work verses the rest of my life and I’m learning to trust myself again.” Sam aged 36