www. suzahn.com/learnguitar




Suzahn Fiering is an award-winning educator (presented by Paul McCartney) who has presented on behalf of the Grammy Committee, The Nashville Board of Education, The Jazz Education Network, and dozens of festivals, universities and community organizations. Suzahn  has led master classes and workshops across the US and  Europe to schools, colleges, universities, teacher organizations, corporate groups, women’s groups, community groups, churches and house concerts. Areas of study include Guitar, Voice, Songwriting (dozens of original songs in films & TV) Music Theory, and Music Business (private consultations available). Suzahn specializes in Jazz, Blues, Americana and Gypsy (Manouche) guitar, is an internationally recognized Jazz Historian, and author of Jazz Guitar-The Layering Method. Suzahn teaches privately on-line.

Suzahn Fiering is a master certified professional coach (MPCP) helping clients achieve their career goals in and out of the music industry.

Here is a short list of some of the places Suzahn has led Master Classes, Clinics and workshops; La Maison d’éducation de la Légion d’honneur in Paris France, The Jazz Education Network International Conference, Vanderbilt University Nashville,  New York University (through the Grammy Committee), The Greenwich Village Folk Festival,  Nashville Board of Education Teacher In-Service, Toulouse Lautrec London (with students from The Royal Academy of Music, The Guild Hall, and City Lit), The Center for Cultural Awareness in St. Leornards-By-The-Sea UK, The Tennessee International Jazz Festival, The Nashville Django Festival, The Birmingham Jazz Festival, Women in Music Business in Nashville, Women in Music in NYC,  The Clearwater Revival Festival, Biasin Music Azzano Cecimo, Italy, and many more.

For a complete list of Master Classes, Clinics and Workshops Suzahn offers go to: http://suzahn.com/education/masterclasses.

For more information, further class descriptions or to schedule a class:

info.awesoment@gmail.com or call +1 914 383 5379